Once Upon A Time

by mcat

July 27, 2005

When did this happen?

Was it that moment our eyes met across that dusty street?

When Buck asked if I was with you and you said yes?

Or was it when I trusted you enough to tell you about the bounty?

Maybe it happened when we got you back from Jericho.

Or when you saved me from Eli Joe.

Or maybe it was all those times, plus the others. Each one adding up to something bigger. Larger than life. Bigger than you or me: Us.

When did ‘us’ happen?

I feel like we’re in some kinda fairy tale – the kind my ma, and probably yours, too, told us when we were little fellers. They all started with “Once upon a time.” The middles were all different – good stuff and bad stuff happened. But the endings were all the same, too. “They all lived happily ever after.”

So, once upon a time two men met upon a dusty street in a town called Four Corners. They fought against some pretty tough hombres and met up with some really good men, to help them in those fights. The two men had some rough times, times where they thought they’d be killed, times where they fought each other… But things usually righted themselves, especially when the other friends helped them out a bit.

So this must be the time for our happy ending. Or our happily ever after, I guess, since this better not be an ending. Hell, it’s a beginning, isn’t it?

Once upon a time, one friend kissed the other friend. Surprising the hell out of the other friend.

Surprising the other friend because I liked it so damn much.
