Who's Game?

by Sabro

Disclaimer: Not mine. Darn it all and I ain't making no money either!

Comments: Boys just wanta have some fun. Plot, not likely! Thanks to Judy and Shari for begging and pleading and threatening, and to Kim for 'gentle' reminders.

Vin sat at the saloon table, looking at his cards and trying not to squirm. It wasn't that his hand was so bad, but his partner was starting to make him extremely uncomfortable. Buck Wilmington had been staring at the tracker throughout their game, and Vin was pretty sure it wasn't just a ploy to make Vin lose his concentration. He had no illusions that his card playing skills were such that Buck would ever have to resort to such under-handed methods to distract Vin. Nope, Vin had a feeling that cards had nothing at all to do with the attention the scoundrel was lavishing upon him. Which was entirely too bad, because at least at cards, Vin had a more than passing chance of winning. However Buck's intentions were much more demanding than a simple card game, and the stakes much higher. Worse, Buck was an acknowledged expert in the game he wanted to play. Vin had no such expertise, and he was trying to avoid even thinking about the questions that hadn't even been asked yet.

Though not normally a man who avoided facing trouble head on, Vin was also a cautious man, and he was loathe to enter into something he didn't figure to win or at least have a good fighting chance. Not that Buck wanted to fight of course. He flicked a quick glance from under the security of his hat brim at the grinning gunfighter. Nope, Buck wasn't looking for a fight – something physical, yes, but not a fight. A good fight Vin might even have a chance at; though he lacked Buck's height and reach, the tracker had youth, quickness and a well-know vicious streak on his side. And Buck knew that. Buck had no plans to get into a brawl with the smaller man. Nope, what Buck wanted was a good old-fashioned roll-in-the-hay – with Vin. Vin flicked another glance at the ladies' man. Buck's grin widened. Vin looked back down to his cards. Aw, hell!

Buck Wilmington was a happy man. He had beer, friends and a fairly good card game going. He also had plans for the evening and those plans were going to come to fruition – he could just tell. Buck had a sense of these things. Though the other men constantly teased and kidded him about his lady killer status, it was well earned. It also included men, though that fact was a well-kept secret. Wouldn't do to have folks thinking I'm a 'funny cowboy', no siree. Just like to have a little fun with the boys now and then. No harm done. He looked back over to see Vin glance up at him again. Buck grinned back at him. Vin dropped his eyes, and Buck's smile grew even wider. Yep a little fun now and then and Vin looks like he is getting the idea. The tracker had interested Buck for some time now, but he had figured that either Josiah or Chris might go after him first. Chris had certainly looked the handsome young man over, but made no approach far as Buck could tell. And Buck had been watching. He'd been biding his time with Ezra. The gambler was very entertaining and skilled in his own right and Buck had certainly enjoyed their time together, however, neither man was willing to get exclusive at this point. So now Buck was checking out another target. The fact that Tanner hadn't blown his face off, when he was obviously aware of Buck's interest, told the lover that Vin wasn't averse to such a thing, but maybe just shy. Buck just loved shy…and he had a feeling that Vin would be a lot of fun, once he gave in and let down his hair just a bit. Buck chuckled to himself, earning a scowl from his companion. Now I reckon lots of folks would think that Vin's hair was already hanging down overly long. But Buck meant figuratively, not literally. Can't wait to get my hands in that mane and see just how wild Vin really is. He shifted, took another swig from his beer mug, and continued the games - cards and seduction. Buck was slowly losing the card games, but he figured he was gaining in the more important diversion; Vin was still sitting at the table.

Vin tried to concentrate on his cards and not the increasing tension he felt rising within himself. What the hell am I thinkin? I don't leave now, and I'm telling Buck I'm willin to be party to his plans. Am I? Hell! Why do things always gotta get so complicated? Not that Buck wouldn't likely be good at it, but he also ain't known to be quiet 'bout his conquests. Last thing I need's a bunch of the townsfolk finding out I been with a man. Bad enough I got a price on my head and they either don't know or don't pay it no mind. Hell! Why's Buck gotta come after me for his fun? Why not Ezra? – They seem like pretty good pards. He raised his eyes again and glared at the smiling cowboy. Buck's eyes were warm and smiling and confident. Aw, hell! Figures he's got me now. Best I either show my hand or leave. He took a deep breath, and threw his cards down on the table. "Time to ante up Bucklin, ya ain't won in the last four hands. Ya owe me." Vin left it to Buck to figure out exactly what he owed.

Buck put his own cards on the table – a losing hand and looked up at Vin, his face wreathed in a huge grin. "Oh, and I believe in payin my debts too, Vin. So what say ya come along with me and collect what I 'owe' ya." Buck's wide grin left no doubt in Vin's mind that no money was about to cross his palm any time soon, but he was determined to at least get one deal out of this.

"Fine, just so's ya understand something. I don't never wanna hear anything about this from anyone Buck. I mean it. Ya tell anyone and I'll cut yer tongue out, so's ya can't never say anything ever again. Try sweet talkin them women with no tongue." Vin looked Buck straight in the eye and the scoundrel had no doubt that he was serious. Boy likely knows how to do it too. Thought Buck. Living with them Indians probably taught him all sorts of nasty things. He returned the tracker's serious stare.

"Ya got my word Vin. Don't neither of us need to have anybody knowin what we're doing. Only want some fun, don't plan to put neither of us in danger."

Buck's voice was sincere, and after staring at him a moment longer, Vin nodded briefly. "'Kay."

Buck nodded in return and thought to himself that he should consider getting himself some friends who were a mite friendlier. Weren't like Chris is the most charming man around, though he does have his moments. Vin is usually pretty easygoing, but he ain't someone you want to cross. Nathan is a caring man, but he's far too serious for me most days. Josiah can rip a body apart – literally - in one of his tempers. So far JD seems the safest when it comes to threatening a man. And Ezra, well Ez don't give much away about his thoughts – 'less of course it concerns money! On the other hand, anyone of those men would stand by me through Hell and back, so guess it's a trade-off no matter what. He looked Vin over again, enjoying the other man's slight flush. 'Sides, other than me, they're 'bout the handsomest men around. He gave Vin his best seductive grin and laughed aloud when the tracker just scowled and stomped out of the saloon. Yep, gonna have to loosen that boy up a bit. And Buck began to imagine all sorts of ways he could do that. First though, he had to catch up with the fast moving sharp shooter.

""Hey, Vin! Y'all got a fire on your butt? Where ya going in such a hurry?" Buck called after him, just knowing how much the tracker hated to be pointed out in public. He knew it would fire up the other man, but then Buck was known to enjoy getting burnt now and again. Nothing like anger to ignite a little passion. Vin turned to glare at him in askance, and continued on his way without replying. Buck could see that he was headed for the livery. Yep, that was a good plan. Best take this out of town where they wouldn't get caught. He lengthened his ground-eating strides and caught up with the muttering tracker inside the livery. Buck couldn't make out exactly what Vin was saying, and he thought it was better that way. Vin didn't usually gab for the pleasure of it, and he could be brutally frank when he did speak up. No wonder he and Chris get along so well; neither of them gives a damn if they offend folks. Though both men did try to be a bit more polite in front of the ladies. Buck saddled his grey up in silence and was ready when Vin mounted up and took off without a word as to where he was headed. No never mind, boy likely knows all sorts of secret hideouts where no one's likely to find us. He knew that Vin wouldn't try to lose him, since the tracker had a sense of honour that was nearly unshakeable, and he would consider it breaking his word to not uphold his side of their unspoken bargain.

The two rode silently at a gallop outside town, where Vin turned off into one of the many canyons riddling the area. Buck followed right along behind him, determined not to lose track of his partner now. They rounded a last bend and came to a grove of shrubs near a flat grassy area. Vin stopped, dismounted and began to remove tack from his horse. Buck followed suit and soon both horses were happily grazing on the lush grass. The tracker took his bedroll and shook it out – draping it on a flat spot clear of stones. Then he started to shrug out of his coat. Buck just shook his head. Boy just don't got no romance in his soul. He moved over to Vin and caught his arm as it cleared the discarded jacket. Vin just looked at him. "Planning to do this fully clothed Buck?"

"No, no, not at all. But what's the rush there Vin? We got all evening for fun and games. No need to just rush into it. " He continued as Vin scowled. "This is supposed to be fun Vin, not a duty – something to be done and over quick like." Buck ran his hand up Vin's arm soothingly.

Vin squinted up at him. "Ya planning to try and seduce me Bucklin? 'Cause ya needn't bother. I know what's goin on, so let's just get to it." Vin removed his hat and made to loosen his gun belt. Buck shook his head and let Vin remove the gun; while the scoundrel removed his own jacket and hat. No way ol' Buck's gonna get too far behind, though I gotta slow this boy down some.

Once they were both down to shirt and pants though, Buck stepped in closer to Vin and pulled him close to his chest. The tracker was looking at him quizzically, wondering why they had stopped undressing. Buck leaned closer and Vin pulled his head back. "Jeez, Vin, I was just gonna kiss ya, no need to get all rigid on me…less of course you've changed your mind? "

"Why we gotta kiss? Ain't never kissed no man b'fore, just pleasured them. Kissin's fer women." Vin wasn't prepared for Buck to be in full 'romance' mode and he had no idea how to cope with that.

Buck shook his head in exasperation. "Vin, can't believe you're actually a poet son, 'cause ya sure don't act like you got any soul at all. Now, what's the problem with kissing a man? Ain't like I'm gonna bite ya or something. Less ya want me to?"

Buck's raised brows were met by Vin's answering eyebrows shooting up and his eyes widening. What kinda games does Buck get into anyway? Vin had bitten the odd person before, but that was when he was engaged in a battle for his life, and biting was just a way to even the odds. He still wasn't too sure about this kissing bit. Seemed too much like they were acting like a proper 'couple' or somethin. His doubts were all pushed right out of his mind when Buck, fed up with Vin's ignoring him, simply pulled the tracker tightly to his chest and kissed him thoroughly. Vin instinctively struggled at first, but Buck held on. As he deepened the kiss and slid his tongue into Vin's partially open mouth, Buck felt the tracker suck in his breath with surprise. But Vin didn't pull away, and soon Buck felt him kissing him back with abandonment.

Can't believe it feels this good to kiss a man. 'Specially one with a moustache like Buck's. Any other thoughts Vin had were lost in the haze of lust he felt flushing through his body. Damn, but he's good at this! And Vin felt his body starting to respond as Buck's long fingers stroked through the tracker's thick curls and caressed the nape of his neck. Vin arched his hips forward, needing to feel something against the hardness between his legs. He felt an answering hardness prodding against his own belly.

Vin finally pulled back for some air. "All right, so I'll allow as to kissin ain't so bad. Now can we get the rest of these clothes off, 'fore I burst something?"

Buck nearly burst out laughing. He was so used to being with women, who were much more concerned with his kissing, and lot's of it, before they were willing to shed some clothing. But nope, not Vin. He just wanted to cut to the chase. Well, Buck could do that too, after all, he was hard and ready himself. "Sure Vin, wouldn't mind getting out of these britches either." Both men busied themselves shucking the rest of their clothes before Vin turned and headed for the bedroll. He planned to be comfortable for this. One too many men had tried to take him upside a wall, or over a fence, and he didn't want that to happen this time. Buck watched his retreating form, thoroughly enjoying the view. Ain't much to the boy, but what's there sure is nice. Vin had turned to see if Buck was coming and noticed the other man's arousal for the first time.

"Damn, Buck. Ain't never seen no man's cock long as that b'fore. " Buck smiled. "No wonder all them women like ya so much, 'sides yer 'charm' and all." Vin reached out to grasp it and Buck's prize member swelled even further. Vin's face reflected his growing concern. How the hell am I gonna take that without getting somethin ruptured?

Buck quickly moved to calm his partner. "Now don't you worry Vin. I'll take it easy and we'll make sure you're ready 'fore I take ya." He stroked Vin's face - long fingers soothing the frown line between Vin's brows. "And after I 'pay' ya, then you can take me. So ya know I'm gonna be gentle."

Vin narrowed his eyes at him. "How come I gotta go first? You owe me, so seems to me that I should get first shot at this." Something about this arrangement just didn't seem right to Vin. But then Buck stroked down his belly and grasped his cock, and Vin really didn't care who did what first, as long as the scoundrel didn't quit touching him. 'Course the man seems to want to kiss me some more too - all over. Vin really didn't think he could describe the feeling of the soft lips with the tickling moustache, he'd never felt something quite like that before. His soft moans and panting told Buck that his lover was enjoying what was happening to him. Buck was very thorough and didn't miss a spot on Vin's body. If his talented mouth didn't get it, then his caressing hands did. Buck started with Vin's hair and then licked his face, stopping to savour the swollen mouth again. Then he moved down the tracker's arched neck, savouring the tender skin and the soft growl. Vin jerked in his arms, when Buck ran his wet tongue over a nipple, and followed with a brush of his bushy upper lip. Buck smiled to himself. Oh, yeah, we're starting to have some fun now. After he finished teasing Vin's lightly furred chest; he focussed his attentions on Vin's arms, teasing his way from shoulder to wrist and back up the tender undersides. Vin was gasping by this time, and then his lover caressed the tracker's smooth butt - squeezing and petting the soft skin. Then Buck moved to cup and squeeze Vin's swollen cock.

Vin was writhing in ecstasy. "Aw, God Buck, ya gotta let me…I need to touch you. Gonna… come… if ya don't stop soon. Vin felt Buck's chuckle all through the long body pressed against his. Buck finally took pity on him and pulled away slightly. Vin opened his eyes and was surprised to see that they were still standing upright.

"Well by all means, have at me Vin!" Buck was silenced abruptly, as Vin grabbed him by his thick, black mane and pulled him into a hard kiss. Buck found himself struggling for air, as Vin seemed determined to show his own abilities in the sexual game weren't all that shabby. Guess he decided that he didn't mind kissing men after all. Vin finally released him with a wet sucking sound, and immediately went for Buck's throat. He was finding it a little strange having to reach up to lick someone's throat, and figured that maybe he could get Buck down to his size. He tugged lightly on the curling hairs covering Buck's broad chest.

"Easy there Vin, I've gotten kind of attached to that!" Buck caught Vin's hands in his own and pulled them gently away from his abused chest. "Thought we were getting along here Vin?"

Vin growled at him. "We are. Yer just too damned tall for this. Cain we get on the bedroll?"

Buck knew better than to say anything at this point, and eased his long frame down to sit on the bedroll, and pulled Vin down to join him. "There, how's this pard? "

Vin immediately rejoined his attack on Buck's neck. "Fine." His voice muffled as he nipped his way down Buck's neck and then licked the chest he had so recently abused. Buck couldn't resist some moaning of his own, and gently pushed Vin's head lower. Vin glanced up at him. "In a hurry Bucklin? Thought we weren't gonna rush?" Vin's sly little grin ignited Buck's passions.

"Forget that and just do it Vin!" He pushed Vin's head down toward his leaking cock. Vin teasingly resisted, but then lowered his mouth and licked the very tip of the swollen head. Buck's body jerked in response and he gently put more pressure on Vin's head. Vin obliged him and started to lick all along the impressive length. Then he opened his mouth and took in as much as he could. Buck tried to resist thrusting, but it felt so good. Vin placed one hand on Buck's flank to keep from being choked. He licked and kissed until Buck was starting to squirm uncontrollably. He pulled Vin up by his long hair, and kissed him for several minutes.

"Need ya now Vin. Ya ready? "

Vin looked at the huge cock again and took a deep breath. "Ready as I'll ever be I reckon."

"All right. Just hang on there pard. Gotta get something to make it easier." Buck reached over to retrieve a small vial from his saddlebag. Somehow Vin wasn't surprised that the ladies' man would have something along with him, even unexpected as this encounter was. Buck snuggled back beside Vin, and motioned him to lie on his belly. Vin could feel his stomach fluttering in anticipation and a little fear, but he wasn't about to back down now. His own body was ready to explode and he mumbled to Buck to hurry.

"Now Vin, you're back to that hurrying again. You done this before?" At Vin's nod, he continued, "Ok, well then you know it'll only hurt if we hurry." As he was talking, he oiled his hand and slid long fingers into Vin's entrance. Vin's body jerked away, but Buck was gentle and Vin got himself a little more under control. Buck continued to stretch the opening, while he talked to Vin, promising just how good this was gonna be for him. When he touched Vin's internal pleasure spot, the tracker bucked and cried out.

"Damn, Buck, now!" Vin rocked back on the intruding fingers, trying to feel that delight again. Buck knew he was ready, so he withdrew his fingers and smacked Vin lightly on the ass. "All right pard, up on your knees for me now. Vin scrambled to obey, and Buck chuckled at his alacrity. Buck moved in behind him and tried to soothe the tense muscles of Vin's back. "Easy boy, just relax, I'm right here." Buck eased himself into Vin as carefully as possible. But Vin was ready and impatient and he pushed back as quickly as Buck pushed forward.

Damn, he's so huge! Feel like he's fillin' me up to my belly. Vin grunted as Buck pushed in even further.

"You all right there Vin?" Buck had tried to be careful, but he knew he was sizeable, and Vin was still backing up onto him. He felt the hot body surrounding his own shudder, as he rubbed against the nub again.

"Aw! Buck! Ya gotta move more." Vin's voice was harsh with desire and need. And Buck finally thrust home. Vin thought he must be coming out his throat by now. "So big! Move damnit!"

Buck began to rock gently in and out, with Vin encouraging him vocally and physically. Buck was a little surprised at the tracker's verboseness, but he wasn't complaining. Least he wasn't hurting the man. He began to thrust harder, faster, in response to Vin's pleas. Than Buck sank back on his haunches and pulled Vin down onto his lap. Vin gasped as he sank down, pushing Buck even further into him. The tracker arched his body and threw his head back, as he growled in rapture.

It was at this point that Chris Larabee came around the bend and stopped, transfixed by the sight in front of him.

Chris had been enjoying a quiet, and what he thought was private, day away from the town and it's responsibilities. He'd come out to this canyon before with Vin a couple of times, and knew that the fishing wasn't too bad. Not that he especially cared if he caught anything. It was the privacy and time alone he was craving. He had considered inviting one of the men along, but decided to go alone. He was just leaving to head back to town in the late afternoon, when he thought he heard moaning coming from the bend up to his right. He quietly dismounted, drew his gun and crept forward through the grove. The moaning came again, sounding like a man in pain. Chris looked around carefully, keeping an eye out for danger. Not likely it was a trap way out here, but one never knew. Or could be an animal involved. Never in Chris' wild imagination did he expect to see the sight that greeted him as he moved around the final boulder.

At first he had no idea who the men were, or even if they were both men. The once closest to him obviously was male - his erection was in plain view rising against the paler skin stretched tautly over a flat abdomen. The lightly muscled chest arched outward, was also male. One of the man's hands was clenched against his thigh, while his other was stretched up and back behind his head, as the two bodies undulated together. Chris could only see the exposed throat, since the man's head was thrown back and then he looked at the face just to the side of that throat - Buck! Buck's eyes were closed in sexual bliss and all that was visible of his body were his knees inside of the unknown male's and his long hands, running up and down the man's torso and belly.

Chris would know those hands anywhere. He'd certainly recognise them stroking a body.

Hell, he even knew what they'd feel like, caressing a body. He'd felt them - those long hands, with their slender, talented fingers - touching, soothing, and inciting pleasure. Chris shivered with remembered passion, and was startled to realise he'd allowed himself to drift for a moment. He focused on the vision in front of him again, for that's what it was: a vision of pure male passion - beautiful, raw and powerful. And then the unknown male raised his head and Chris felt his breath punched out of his gut. "Vin! " Vin's eyes shot open and he stared at the man before him in total shock and disbelief. Vin's arousal wilted and his body tensed in shame. Chris realised that he must have said the name out loud, but now he was speechless.

Buck however, wasn't. While he was very surprised to see Chris here, he wasn't upset by the fact. He smiled and used one hand to motion Chris forward. The other hand he used to caress Vin's belly and stroke his limp cock. Vin's squirming was not totally sexual tension, and Buck knew he had to relax the younger man's fears. He kept Vin impaled on his own still rigid cock, and whispered to him. "It's all right, Vin. Chris won't mind. Just relax there pard." To Chris he said. "Well, pard, if we knew you were out here, woulda invited you along. Still ya ain't too late to enjoy the party, but you gotta lose some of them clothes.

Chris shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but a more insistent concern had his attention. His pants were too damn tight. Buck was right - he needed to lose some of these clothes and fast. "All right", he said softly, and looked at Vin as he removed his hat. Vin was staring at him, and Chris could see that Buck had managed to revive the tracker's flagging erection. "You got any objections Vin?" The tracker merely stared for a moment, then shook his head. With that, Chris quickly shed the rest of his clothes.

Buck had continued to pet and kiss Vin, and the tracker was now growling and moaning again - writhing on Buck's cock. "Oh, that's real good Vin. Um, yeah, lift up just a bit there now." Buck gripped the slim hips in his hands and lifted Vin up a bit, and then pulled him back down. Both men groaning with the slick, slide and drag sensations.

Chris stood watching for a moment - drinking in the sheer sensuality of the moment. Then he moved close enough to lean in and kiss Buck on the mouth. They exchanged a deep, passionate kiss, the sounds of wet tongues duelling and swollen lips sucking on each other filled Vin's ear. He could feel the silk of Chris' hair brushing his cheek and the heat emanating from both men. And he wanted to be sharing that kiss.

"Chris." His voice was even raspier than usual; his need to have Chris share with him so strong. Chris finally pulled away from his old friend and turned to Vin. "Ya want something Vin?" His voice still soft and silky, sliding along Vin's already tightly strung nerves like fire along a powder trail. Vin groaned with desire and opened his eyes to look into Chris'.

"I want ya to kiss me. Like ya kissed Buck." They stared into each other's souls for moments. Then Chris leaned forward the few inches to touch Vin's waiting lips. Vin savoured the essence of the man he had wanted for so long, and Chris silently admitted, just how much he desired the tracker. With just mouths and tongues and teeth, Chris and Vin learned the new closeness that could exist between them. Now it was Buck' s turn to watch as the other two men became intimately acquainted with each other. Buck smiled in approval. Another man might have been upset. Another man might not have been willing to share the young tracker. Buck was not another man. He was a generous, giving man, who truly enjoyed making his friends happy. And if he could make two of them happy at the same time, then that was all the better. Of course there was no need for him not to enjoy the moment while Chris and Vin kissed. He resumed stroking Vin's body, causing the young man to squirm against both Buck and Chris. Vin broke the kiss as his need to breathe overcame his need to meld with the gunfighter. He wrapped his arms around Chris and pulled him closer. Chris leaned into him, looking over Vin's shoulder to see a grinning Buck.

"What the hell are you grinning about? Think I'd be a mite upset if some other man come along and upset my party." Buck just grinned even wider at Chris.

"Hell, you know me pard; the more the merrier. Now how do you want to do this, 'cause I ain't about to let Vin offa my lap just yet." Buck punctuated the statement by gently lifting Vin up and lowering him again - both men groaning with the movement. Chris could feel his desire rising just watching them.

"Well, I got something here for ya Vin, ya wanna try it out?" Chris cupped Vin's chin in one hand and brought his cock to the tracker's mouth with the other. Vin's answer was a tentative lick of the leaking purple head. Chris shuddered in reaction. "Guess I'll take that as a yes. Damn, that feels so good Vin." Vin used one hand to grasp Chris' cock and the other to caress his back. He stroked both in time, sliding one hand down to fondle the gunfighter's firm, muscular ass, while the other squeezed his pulsing manhood. Chris grunted with each squeeze, and slid his hands into Vin's hair to pull him even closer, wanting to feel that soft, wet mouth swallow him whole. He gasped aloud as Vin did exactly that – sucking him in so slowly that Chris feared he would grow old and die before Vin ever gave him release. Then Vin drew his head back, dragging his teeth ever so lightly along Chris' swollen member – sending sparks of sweet pleasure through the gunfighter's whole body. Chris arched his hips forward, trying to plunge himself so deep into that hot mouth that he would be consumed whole. He felt a warm hand fondle his throbbing balls - gently rolling and squeezing. "Jeesus, Vin, where'd ya learn to do that?" Chris didn't care, really, but he had to say something to voice his pleasure. Vin's throaty chuckle had him bucking in surprise, as the vibrations zigzagged through his sensitised cock.

Buck had decided that 'sharing' Vin, meant that he got to have some pleasure too, and Vin had been impaled on his cock in a stationary position for far too long. He nuzzled into the nape of the tracker's neck and nipped him lightly. Vin responded by squeezing Chris. Chris felt the hand now squeezing his member, suddenly tighten. The slight pain only added to his arousal. Vin's patient sucking on his cock suddenly became erratic as Buck lifted the young man and again plunged back up into his ass. Vin's moan reverberated all along Chris' engorged member. Chris ground his teeth together in pure ecstasy and fisted his hands into Vin's curls and pulled his head deeper into the gunfighter's groin. The tracker squeezed Chris' butt cheek with one hand, trying not to choke. He gently pulled down on Chris' tense ball sac, to get his attention. The over wrought gunfighter managed to get himself under some semblance of control and allowed Vin to swallow him at his own pace. But it was so slow. Vin inched the throbbing groin into his mouth, licking, nibbling and sucking and driving Chris wild. Vin's head was starting to hurt where Chris was pulling on his mane, but he kept at his torment. By the time he had taken Chris in fully the older man was thrusting helplessly and it only took Vin's squeezing his balls to cause Chris to fall over the edge. His low cry was harsh and animalistic. He finally slid limply from Vin's mouth to lean over him panting and dripping sweat over both Buck and Vin.

Buck had ceased thrusting into Vin when he saw how out of control Chris was becoming. He was still enjoying the sweet friction of Vin's tight passage clutching and releasing as the tracker moved to satisfy Chris. Now he helped support the gasping man, until Chris finally regained enough of his senses to slide off the men, onto his knees in front of Vin. He looked into the flushed face of the tracker and leaned forward to kiss him intently. When they broke apart, both were breathing heavily.

Chris raised one hand and stroked Vin's cheek. "Damn, but I never thought you were that passionate. Hell, I thought you might be a virgin with men!" Chris half-chuckled. "Guess you had me fooled."

Vin gave him an embarrassed grin. "Weren't no virgin. 'Sides, I think Buck got me afore you did." He turned his head to look over his shoulder at the grinning scoundrel.

"Well, I 'got' you all right, though I ain't had time enough to do much to ya. 'S'pose we can do something about that now?" Buck thrust upwards with his hips, pressing his erection further into Vin. Vin managed to gasp out, "Reckon."

Buck kissed the swollen mouth turned his way and ran his hands through Vin's tangled curls. They savoured each other, while Buck caressed Vin's belly and down the creases between his thighs. Vin squirmed in response and clenched his butt cheeks around Buck's arousal. Buck let out a long sigh, "Ah, Vin. I just knew you'd be fun!"

Chris let out a low chuckle and sat back on his heels to watch the fun. Buck continued to pet Vin, and the tracker tried to reciprocate, but he couldn't reach much of Buck the way he was facing. He contented himself with sucking on Buck's fingers and wriggling his bottom on the taller man's lap. Both men were groaning in pleasure and rocking together. Buck couldn't get much leverage with his legs folded under him, so he pushed Vin's torso forward to lean up against Chris. Vin kissed Chris and clutched his shoulders for support. Buck raised himself up to his knees and gripped the tracker about his slim hips. He leaned forward slightly to brush his lips against Vin's ear. "Ya ready for this Vin? 'Cause I sure am." Buck nuzzled against the exposed ear - licking and tickling the tender flesh. He felt Vin shudder under the touch.

"I'm more'n ready Bucklin. Do it." Vin arched his back, offering himself totally to the scoundrel, and Buck took the offering. He thrust in so hard and deep that he nearly toppled both Vin and Chris. Vin's cry was a mixture of pain and pleasure - but before Buck could worry - the tracker shifted backward, asking for even more.

Vin's harsh rasp had been right in Chris' ear and he felt the rapture running through the young man. Vin's cock was signalling it's need, but when he moved once hand down to satisfy himself, another strong hand grabbed his wrist and moved it back to Chris' shoulder. Vin looked at him through glazed eyes, and received that goofy grin that normally meant someone was going to die - but the only pain he felt, was a strong hand taking hold of him and squeezing his erection. Vin gasped in sudden pleasure as the warm hand gripped and stroked the root of his need and arched his back, just as Buck thrust into him again the very depths of the tracker. Vin thought he was going crazy as the other two men stroked and lunged in tandem.

The scoundrel was torn between finally satisfying his own desire and concern about his partner's well being. But Vin's harsh panting and rhythmic undulating served to drive Buck past all reasoning and he started to thrust quickly - almost in a frenzy - feeling the drag and grip of Vin's hot channel. Vin responded with equal ferocity and speed, while Chris added his own inducement to the orgy by pinching Vin's nipples and fondling his cock and swollen balls.

Vin was the first to succumb to the mind numbing bliss, his overwrought body tensing even further as his release boiled from his balls and spurted from his thrumming cock to cover Chris' chest and belly. Before he collapsed completely, Buck thrust into his shaking body deep enough to push Vin flush against Chris and pumped out his own pent up need. The power of his release sent him over the edge, and he fell forward in a trance, unbalancing Chris. They fell to the dust with Chris on the bottom of a Vin sandwich. Though both Buck and Vin were very lean men, together they were a sweaty, panting heavy weight that Chris finally managed to shuffle out from under.

For long moments three men lay on their sides - gasping for sweet air. Chris, who had recovered first, reached over to caress Vin's side and hip, easing the trembling running through the tracker. The gunfighter lifted his head to see how his old friend was faring. The scoundrel's eyes were shut and he was panting like a hard ridden horse, but the curve of his dark moustache assured Chris he was fine.

Chris lay back on the ground, ruefully wiping at the sticky residue on his chest. "Damn, but we're getting too old for this sort of lunacy."

"Speak fer yerself. I ain't old as y'all." Piped in a very tired sounding rasp.

Buck added in sated tones, "Yeah, I ain't getting old, just getting better is all".

Chris squinted over at the other two and couldn't help a tired smirk at their appearance. All three men were coated in sweat, semen and liberal streaks of red dust. "Hell, we'd give an Indian war party cause to worry lookin' like this. Hope that water is warm, 'cause I think we all need a bath." Buck and Vin opened their eyes and looked each other over and started to chuckle.

"Ah yeah, think we'll be joining ya, stud. C'mon Vin, let's get that dirty hide of yers back to it's purty young state again. Then maybe we can see if the 'old man' there can do anything else to entertain us." He winked at Chris and was rewarded with a feral grin. Yep, Chris is willing, and so is Vin by that sly smirk. The tracker decided to show both 'old' men that he was in much better shape, by beating them to the stream - which he did - only he was immediately trounced by both older and larger men.

"Aw, hell! Ain't no way ta treat a man after he give ya both a good time." He muttered as Chris and Buck ducked his head under the water and proceeded to scrub him down.

"Best we be teaching this boy some manners here, whatta ya think pard?"

"Yep, but don't wear him out too much there Buck, got me a hankering to sample this sweet ass later." Chris replied as he washed the grime from Vin's butt.

Vin grumbled about the other two ganging up on him, but resigned himself to his fate. "Yeah, well, I think both of ya owe me a chance at yer 'old' asses, and I 'tend to collect too." Three matching grins greeted that pronouncement, before the horseplay in the water continued.


Comments to: broughts@onlink.net