Blaze of Glory - Tannertexaslady
(Vin) |
Chain of Seven: How It Began -
Tannertexaslady (Seven) |
Close Encounter of the Spooky Kind -
Tannertexaslady (Chris, OFC) |
Legend of the Quest - Tannertexaslady (Vin) |
The Long Walk Home - Vin's Trio
(Seven) |
Manhunt Enhancement - Tannertexaslady
(Vin) |
MCAT: Turbulent Transition |
1. Transitions - Tannertexaslady (Chris,
Vin, OFCs) |
3. Decisions - Tannertexaslady & Tonny
(Chris, Vin, Buck, OFCs) |
4. Past Transgressions -
Tannertexaslady (Chris, Vin, OCs) |
5. Illusions - Tannertexaslady
(Chris / OFC) (Vin / OFC) (Ezra / OFC) |
6. Additions and Apprehensions - Tannertexaslady
& Wendymypooh (Chris, Vin) |
7. Reconciliations - Tannertexaslady &
Wendymypooh (Chris, Vin)
1. Shades of Gray - tannertexaslady &
Wendymypooh (Seven) |
2. Vision Quest - Tannertexaslady and Wendymypooh
(Seven) |
3. Turn the Page - tannertexaslady (Seven)
4. Fire and Rain - TannerTexasLady
(Seven) |
5. Code of Honor - tannertexaslady with Sue
M (Seven) |
6. Purgatory - tannertexaslady & Sue M
(Chris, Vin)
7. Written on the Wind Trilogy - tannertexaslady
& Sue M (Chris, Vin)
1. Blood and Roses - tannertexaslady & Wendymypooh
(Vin) |
2. Family Trilogy - tannertexaslady & Wendymypooh
(Seven, OCs)
A Reason to Celebrate - Vin's Trio
(Vin) |
Reflections - tannertexaslady (Vin)
What Evil Men Wrought - tannertexaslady
(Vin) |
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly - Rowdy
Tanner (Seven, OCs) |
The Bad, the Good and the Ugly Part 2
- Rowdy Tanner (Vin) |
The Brave - Rowdy Tanner (Vin,
Sarah) |
The Brave II - Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Chris,
Sarah, Adam) |
Crossroads - Rowdy Tanner (Chris,
Vin) |
The Dark Half - Rowdy Tanner (Vin,
OCs) |
Elvira's Wedding - Rowdy Tanner (Vin,
Chris, OCs) |
Eyes Wide Shut - Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Chris, OFC) |
Goosebumps - Rowdy Tanner (Chris, Vin, Ezra) |
The Journal of Sarah Larabee - Rowdy Tanner (Chris, Vin) |
The Life and Times of Johnny Larabee -
Rowdy Tanner (Vin, Chris, OCs) |
Man on Fire - Rowdy Tanner (Chris, Vin, Ezra) |
Misplaced - Rowdy Tanner (Maude, Ezra) |
Misplaced 2 - Rowdy Tanner (Ezra, OMC) |
Misplaced 3 - Rowdy Tanner (Ezra, Vin) |
Misplaced 4 - Rowdy Tanner (Ezra, Vin) |
Misplaced 5 - Rowdy Tanner (Ezra, Vin) |
Mother Love - Rowdy Tanner (Chris,
Vin, OC) |
One Texas Day - Rowdy Tanner
(Vin) |
Outnumbered - Rowdy Tanner (Chris,
Vin) |
Savage Company - Rowdy Tanner (Vin,
Chris) |
The Searchers - Rowdy Tanner (Chris,
Vin) |
Talisman - Rowdy Tanner (Vin,
Chris) |
There for You - Rowdy Tanner (Chris, Vin) |
Ursula - Rowdy Tanner (Chris,
Vin) |
The Return of Ursula - Rowdy Tanner
(Chris, Vin) |
ATF VIGNETTES (Collection) - S. Larabee
Tanner |
Memories of the Past (Josiah, OMC) |
Chance Meeting (Chris, OFC) |
Feeling Young Again (Josiah) |
New Responsibility (Vin) |
Christmas Shoes - S. Larabee Tanner
(Vin, Chris) |
Full Circle - S. Larabee Tanner (Vin,
Chris) |
A Glimpse of the Future - S. Larabee Tanner
(Buck, Chris) |
The Heart Lives On - S. Larabee Tanner
(Chris, Buck, Billy) |
Life's Changes - S. Larabee Tanner
(Seven) |
Love Stands Through War - S. Larabee Tanner
(Buck, OFC) |
Overpowering Love - S. Larabee Tanner
(OFC, Chris) |
Surprise, Surprise - S. Larabee Tanner
(Vin, OFC, Chris) |
And Then There Were Three - S. Larabee
Tanner (OFC, Seven) |
Things to Be Thankful For - S. Larabee
Tanner (Chris) |
Absence of Shadows - Tidia (Vin,
Ezra) |
Angel - Tidia (Vin) |
Black Magic - Mog and Tidia (JD, Buck)
Called Up - Tidia (Vin) |
Carpe Diem - Tidia (Seven) |
The Circle - Tidia (JD, Vin) |
The Commandments - Tidia (Seven) |
Denver Holiday - Tidia (Vin) |
The Devil Made Me Do It - Tidia
(Seven) |
Doom - Tidia (Seven) |
Embers - Tidia (Vin) |
The End - Tidia (Mary) |
Enter Mary - Tidia (Mary, Chris) |
Enter Mary Into The Fold - Tidia
(Mary, Seven) |
A Far Distance Home - Tidia (Vin) |
Five Minutes - Tidia (Vin) |
Free From Liberty - Tidia (Seven, Mary, Billy) |
A Good Name - Tidia (Vin) |
Hair Apparent - Tidia (Vin, Buck) |
Hillbillies and Geeks - Tidia and MOG
(Vin, Ezra) |
In My Element - Tidia (Ezra) |
It All Comes Down To - Tidia
(Seven) |
It's Not Just Us - Tidia (JD) |
It's Off - Tidia (Vin) |
A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste -
Tidia (Chris, Mary) |
The Last Straw - Tidia (JD) |
Made Man - Tidia (Vin) |
Man I Feel Like A Woman - Tidia
(Mary) |
Mano a Mano - Tidia (Seven) |
Marked - Tidia (Vin) |
Never Alone - Tidia (JD) |
A Normal Day - Tidia (Chris) |
Not Just Us - Tidia (Seven) |
Pride - Tidia (Vin) |
Right There - Made Man Epilogue - Tidia
(Vin) |
Secret Vices - Tidia & MOG
(Seven) |
Song of Chiara - Tidia (Seven) |
Tangled Web - Tidia & MOG
(Seven) |
Too Many Chefs - Tidia (JD) |
Within Boundaries - Tidia (Vin) |
Worse Than Mary Sue - Tidia
(Seven) |
Bad Things Happen: A Hero is a Hero -
Tiffiny (JD) |
Before I Go - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
The Better Man - Tiffiny (Chris, Ezra, Mary) |
Bucephalus - Tiffiny (Ezra, Vin) |
Chance Met Friends - Tiffiny (Chris, Buck) |
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind - Tiffiny
(Seven) |
THE CUR: Ginger - Tiffiny (Ezra, OC) |
Dying Ain't Much of a Living - Tiffiny
(Vin) |
Expectations - Tiffiny (Ezra, OC) |
A Few Words Between Friends - Tiffiny (Chris, Vin) |
The Gift of the Gambler - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
Gratitude - Tiffiny (Ezra, Vin) |
Guilt - Tiffiny (Vin, Chris) |
Hearing Things - Tiffiny
(Seven) |
Keeping the Faith - Tiffiny
(Ezra) |
A Kind of Peace - Tiffiny (Vin) [Deathfic] |
Let the Game Begin - Tiffiny (Seven)
A Man's Harmonica is a Sacred Thing - Tiffiny (Vin) |
Mary Sue Does the Grocery Story - Tiffiny (Vin, OFC) |
Nightmares Made Flesh - Tiffiny (Buck) |
Not the Same - Tiffiny (JD) |
Oblivion - Tiffiny (Vin) |
Odd Man Out - Tiffiny (Ezra, Vin) |
On the Eve of St. Valentine - Tiffiny
(Seven) |
One for All or All for One? - Tiffiny (Chris, OC) |
Peace on Earth - Tiffiny (Vin) [Deathfic] |
Perchance to Dream: Buck - Tiffiny (Buck) |
Perchance to Dream: Chris - Tiffiny (Chris) |
Perchance to Dream: Ezra - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
Perchance to Dream: JD - Tiffiny (JD) |
Perchance to Dream: Vin - Tiffiny (Vin) |
A Picture is Worth... - Tiffiny (Vin,
Chris) |
Promises - Tiffiny (Chris) |
Secrets - Tiffiny (JD, Nathan, Josiah) |
Sneaking Around - Tiffiny
(Seven) |
Some Days It Just Does Not Pay to Get Out of Bed - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
The Steal of the Night - Tiffiny (Mary, Chris) |
Tears of a Clown - Tiffiny (Ezra, Buck) |
Too Good To Be True - Tiffiny
(Vin) |
Trust and Doubt - Tiffiny (JD, Ezra) |
Two Guns - Tiffiny (Chris, Vin) |
Until Proven Innocent - Tiffiny (Ezra,
Vin) |
Watching the Dragon Burn - Tiffiny (Vin) |
When Opportunity Knocks - Tiffiny (Ezra) |
With This Ring - Tiffiny (Vin, OC) |
Ye Olde Costume Shoppe - Tiffiny (JD, Chris) |
Deliverance - TJ (Seven, OFC, OMC)
- TJ |
November - TJ (Josiah, OFC) |
December - TJ (Josiah, OFC) |
TJ |
The South Wind (Seven) |
Confidantes and Confidences (Seven) |
Forsaken (Seven) |
Thankful Hearts (Seven) |
Let's Not Go There - TJ (Vin) |
THE MAJESTIC (Collection) - TJ |
AU 'Bible'
1. A brief introduction to the
2. Character Descriptions
Welcome to the
1. A Place to Call Home
(Chris) |
TJ (Chris, OFC) |
Aftermath (Chris, OFC) |
First, You Stumble... (Chris, OFC) |
Then You Fall... (Chris, OFC) |
Foundations (Chris, OFC) |
After - Tonny (Chris, Buck, Ezra) |
Alone - Tonny (Chris, JD, Vin) |
Another Year - Tonny (Chris, Vin)
Birthday - Tonny (Chris, Vin) |
Case 'Larabee' - Tonny (Chris,
Vin) |
Conversations - Tonny (Chris, Vin)
Guardian Angels - Tonny (Chris, Sarah,
Adam) |
Holding On to You - Tonny (Chris,
Buck) |
Life's Gambles - Tonny (Chris,
Vin, Ezra, OCs) |
MCAT: Turbulent Transition |
2. Connections - Tonny (Chris, Vin, OFCs)
3. Decisions - texastannerlady & Tonny
(Chris, Vin, Buck, OFCs) |
One Hit - Tonny (Chris, Vin) |
Practical Joke - Tonny (Chris, Buck,
JD, Vin) |
Right Hand - Tonny (Chris, Vin) |
The River Wild - Tonny (Chris,
Vin) |
Seven - Tonny (Chris) |
STUPID (Collection) - Tonny |
1. Stupid (Chris) |
2. Hold On (Vin) |
3. Glorious (JD) |
4. Morning (Nathan) |
5. The Way Things Are (Buck) |
6. Colleages (Ezra) |
7. Faith (Josiah) |
8. Holding On (Chris, Vin) |
9. Clouds (Chris) |
Valentine Gift - Tonny (Chris) |
Broken Wires (or Reassurance) - Twig (Ezra) |
Drifters - Twig (Ezra, Vin, OCs) |
A Few Cards Short of a Full Deck - Twig (Ezra) |
Hello, My Dear - Twig (Ezra, OC) |
Observation - Twig (Vin, Seven, OC) |
The Third Kind - Twig (Ezra, OCs) |
This Isn't Funny, You Know - Twig (Ezra) |
Thoughts (or Realization) - Twig (Mary, Chris) |
A Twinkle of the Eye - Twig (Vin) |
Unreliable - Twig (Ezra, Chris) |
Without Reason - Twig (Ezra) |
After Hours - Twyla Jane (Vin, Ezra,
Chris) |
AIN'T GONNA (Series) - Twyla Jane
(Vin, Chris) |
Ain't Gonna Do It |
Aw Hell |
Not No But Hell No |
All the Days that Follow - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
A Bad Day - Twyla Jane (Seven) |
Blue - Twyla Jane (Vin, Ezra,
Chris) |
Charades - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Childish Things - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
Dust Bunnies and Other Ferocious Critters
- Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Jane (Seven) |
JD's Tale |
Josiah's Tale |
Familiar Faces - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
For Want of a Shoe - Twyla Jane (Ezra,
JD) |
FOUR CORNERS AGENCY (Series 1) - Twyla
Jane (Ezra, Seven) |
A Question of Time |
The Chronicles of Thunder and
Consolation |
What's in a Name? |
This Place |
A Day Like Any Other |
Promises to Keep |
Boots |
The Time of My Life |
FOUR CORNERS AGENCY (Series 2) - Twyla
Jane (Ezra, Seven) |
A Question of Time |
The Chronicles of Skin & Bones |
Blurry: Stuck in a Moment |
Yet Another Day |
The Bum Lamb |
Half Baked - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Happenings - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Headaches - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Heading Home - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
Hell of a Day - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
Illusion - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Imperfect Thoughts - Twyla Jane
(Chris) |
In the Middle - Twyla Jane (Ezra,
Chris) |
An Incentive - Twyla Jane (Vin, Ezra)
Keeping Score - Twyla Jane
(Chris) |
Land of the Lost - Twyla Jane
(Seven) |
Land of the Lost (Drabbles) - Twyla Jane
(Seven) |
Let's Get Ready to Rumble - Twyla Jane
(Ezra, Vin) |
Old West Series) - Twyla Jane (Ezra, Seven) |
The Little Mister |
Summer Days |
God Given Talent |
The Road To Calistoga |
The Journey to Four Corners |
Life's Tokens - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
LITTLE EZRA (Old West Series) - Twyla
Jane (Ezra, Seven) |
A Matter of Trust |
Secrets |
Epiphanies and Other Revelations |
All The Days That Follow |
Nothing, Nada, Jack, Zip, Zilch - Twyla
Jane (Ezra, JD) |
Odyssey - Twyla Jane (Ezra,
Josiah) |
- Twyla Jane (Ezra, Vin) |
Paper Cut |
Searching for Something |
Something Never Comes |
Tijuana Jail |
Back from Baja |
Wild Kingdom |
The Upper Hand |
Points of Authority - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
Postcards, Emails and Life's Other assorted
postscripts - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
RABBIT TALES (Collection) - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
Rabbit |
Through the Eyes of the Rabbit |
Down the Rabbit Hole |
Rain - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Reactions - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Rodeo Daze - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
Sage Brush - Twyla Jane (Seven) |
Send in the... - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
Snake Oil, Dynamite and Pink Flamingos
- Twyla Jane (Seven) |
Strange as it Seems - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
Strange Encounters - Twyla Jane
(Buck) |
The Sun, The Moon, The Sky, The Clouds
- Twyla Jane (Buck) |
The Swill Brothers - Twyla Jane (Ezra)
Tis The Season To Be Jolly - Twyla Jane
(Ezra, Seven) |
Tricks of the Light - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
UGCS Rebus Prime - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
UGCS Rebus Prime - Zerks - Twyla Jane
(Ezra) |
Unclaimed Baggage - Twyla Jane (Ezra,
Josiah) |
Undone - Twyla Jane (Ezra) |
While the Cat's Away... - Twyla Jane
(Ezra, Nathan) |
Wooo - Twyla Jane (Ezra, Buck) |